I used a lid that was the size I wanted my cookies to be, allowing for a seam allowance. cut out 14 of them in case a few didn't work out as I am not to good at sewing circles.
I also researched (googled ) how to sew a circle on the machine and found this, http://thehabygoddess.blogspot.com.au/2011/03/use-thumb-tack-tape-to-sew-perfect.html and this one, http://cavernofcraftiness.com/sewing-round-in-circles/
I found a thumb tack, it was blunt and rusty, and I cleaned it up with sand paper, and taped it to my machine, after finding the middle of my cookies like this, and making sure the needle was in my seam allowance on my cookie.
And because my thumb tack was blunt I found it hard to push the bulky cookie mix onto it but once it was on it was fine,I used a small bull dog clip to hold it down after positioning the bulky sandwich of webbing and felt,and I sewed and sewed. The thumb tack trick worked, it wasn't perfect circles, and I had to adjust it and move the fabric a few times but my circles were a lot better than my previous attempts.
I am very happy with the results, 14 iced cookies, 13 with a nice round shape and one that went a bit wonky so I made it look like a bite had been taken out of it .
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