I found ** Guerilla Fluff Holiday Sew-a-Long!!*** on YouTube and watched and watched and finally I was ready to tackle my baby. I down loaded free patterns from,http://ohjuniper.com/2013/10/01/free-15-inch-waldorf-baby-doll-pattern/, that is the one Guerilla Fluff is using, but I wanted a movable joint pattern so I down loaded from http://doingwithout.livejournal.com/41229.html and http://www.lapappadolce.net/waldorf-doll-patterns/?lang=en. What pattern I used I have no idea because I think I got the two mixed up, but in the end it didn't matter.
Yes! it is coming together
I used big buttons for the joints and much poking and pulling to anchor them.
I did not have a long dolls needle so I used my longest needle, it worked for the joints but not very well for the stitching on the face, the eye was to wide and was leaving nasty holes in my babie's face :(.
So I used a normal needle with skin coloured cotton to sculpt the face and then embroidery cotton to colour it in. I could not go to the back of the head to hide the knots so I went near the ear line thinking I could hide it with hair after.
I ended up making ears for it, so it all worked out well.
Yeah! A naked bald baby
I made hair from yarn but I was not happy with the look.So since it was my prototype doll I decided to needle felt the hair, it was only going to sit in my craft room and not be played with so needle felt hair would do the trick.
Ears sewn on and hair beginning to grow :)
My baby is born!