Monday, 17 December 2012

Nearly Christmas and Sock Softies.

 It is nearly Christmas and I have been busy making presents. I wish I could post pictures of my creations but I would hate for the surprise to leak out. My daughters and partner know I have a blog, my Zoey is a follower and even though I don't think any of them read this, you never know.

So I thought I could add some photos of sock critters I have made through the year.The rattle was given to the baby Mousie whom I made the sock mouse for. Her mother and big sister were in town visiting and I got a cuddle from both girls, it was so lovely to see them all. Big sister also got a monkey of her own, a baby with a removable dummy
A rattle sock monkey
The baby that big sister took home
I made a few babies as well, not only monkey babies but sock babies, out of cute babies socks of course.
Sweet as
My first from a found baby sock
Shhh Sleeping
Love how the writing adds facial features
One side
The other side
A bit bigger sock