Monday, 17 December 2012

Nearly Christmas and Sock Softies.

 It is nearly Christmas and I have been busy making presents. I wish I could post pictures of my creations but I would hate for the surprise to leak out. My daughters and partner know I have a blog, my Zoey is a follower and even though I don't think any of them read this, you never know.

So I thought I could add some photos of sock critters I have made through the year.The rattle was given to the baby Mousie whom I made the sock mouse for. Her mother and big sister were in town visiting and I got a cuddle from both girls, it was so lovely to see them all. Big sister also got a monkey of her own, a baby with a removable dummy
A rattle sock monkey
The baby that big sister took home
I made a few babies as well, not only monkey babies but sock babies, out of cute babies socks of course.
Sweet as
My first from a found baby sock
Shhh Sleeping
Love how the writing adds facial features
One side
The other side
A bit bigger sock

Friday, 24 August 2012

Felt food.

I have been trying to make felt food, my first attempt at a cupcake is now my new pincushion.
Pin cushion.
second bake Vanilla,chocolate frosting, whipped cream and a cherry on top

Friday, 3 August 2012

Beginings of Sock Critters

May 2011.  My first real sock monkey made for my daughter Myra's 18th Birthday. I look at her now and cringe, so many errors and mistakes but she is well loved.
Miss Monkey.

 This is my daughters Zoey's sock girl, her eyes are so big and in certain light she looks like she is in sunnies. She is made with a smaller fluffy sock.
Waiting for cuddles and love.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Past Sock Monkeys

 Looking through my photos reminded me that I have not put up photo's of my earlier sock monkeys.This is my very first try. I cut the arms and tail wrong but I learned by my mistake.
Painted Lady

My beautiful dog thought she was a great chew toy, he looks hopefully to each new completed sock monkey. Sorry boy, next time.

July sock monkeys

Well the flu has finally left, it seemed to linger so long and then I had a kidney infection but I am well this week. Need to finish my rearranging and organizing of my craft room but sock monkeys are calling me to make them. I need to do two that I have promised to make for my niece and nephew, who are actually my great niece/nephew but I hate saying that, makes me feel so old.

First time I have used a surround for the button eyes. I like it. For my nephew, black socks with a blue pacman ghost print, grey face and blue button eyes.

For my niece a pink, green and white stripey fluffy sock.She turned out  a prim looking little miss, with pink eyes, pink and white flower head accessory,lace scarf, eye lashes and a smile.And a white felt eye surround.
Ok come pick them up before my dog chews them lol.
They have been waiting on them so long, it will be a surprise that I have done them.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Flu, virus, and not well

No crafting or cake decorating done for weeks, the flu has been and not left yet. I have been trying to organize my craft room but I have no energy or interest in any thing. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will get back into sock critters and all the other ideas that I have been pinning lol.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012


Rainbow cupcakes and 'donut' cakes for my daughter Zoey, so she could celebrate her birthday with her kids at creche. They were a big hit :)
I started out with a basic vanilla cake mix which I added cake colouring to.
Four layers starting with red in case I burnt them lol.

Next batch waiting, I got game and reversed the colours
Looking good, smelling wonderful. Waiting to cool.
So pretty and tastes ok.
Icing, frosting, decorating
Cake donuts iced and sprinkled
All ready to be eaten :)

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


Well I have done two Gnomes, one in felt, acrylic felt, not wool cause I had none and I like working with what I have, and one in leather, cause I had scraps from ?. I drilled holes in the head area, right through so I could secure the hats on with a thread running through the head also, as I don't trust glue only with toys for toddlers.
Like me, these have holes in their heads lol
Time to get dressed
Messy little boy gnome, and messy me.
Rubber bands as clamps and untidy stitching.

Hanging out with fairy while waiting for the rest of the family to join them

They are all here! The little ones were dolly pegs with the 'legs' cut off, still have holes in their heads, so the hats are firmly glued and stitched. I found some white wool felt, and a corduroy fabric so I used that as well.Not authentic but the kids will not mind. Bye Gnomes and Fairy. 

Monday, 11 June 2012


My daughter Zoey said she would like some gnomes, like Waldorf ones, for her children to play with in the 'fairy garden' she is making at her creche. So I got out what I thought I could use.
But a fairy was born not a gnome :). Oh well, on to gnomes.
These will make gnomes!
Hello fairy, where did you come from?
You will live with Gnomes.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Miss Mouse

A mousie for a mousie <3
I was asked to make a mouse for my friends granddaughter, she was preemie and so tiny, nicknamed Mousie of course. I didn't think of using socks at first but after seeing these  I knew a sock would do.
 I cut the sock into the shape I wanted, then hand sewed it and stuffed it.I tried on her sock 'dress' pinned arms where I thought they should be,tacked facial features and pinned paper ears to see if it looked like I hoped it would. It did! So I sewed and sewed and sewed and tweaked and tweaked....and Miss Mousie was born :). Oh yeah I also added bells inside her so she rattled.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Sock Robot 3

He has a  waste disposal button in the middle of his bottom.

I added button "wheels" to bot boots and sewed them on his legs.

Sock Robot 2

Now to see if it fits
Yes, I am pleased with the shape.
Pinning the legs before sewing
Leg stuffing

Cut a hole in the toe section big enough to insert body and head cushions.
Ready for head sewing and body parts.
The second sock is now used for arms and whatever.
Arm showing pincher hand
Both done.
The feet.
I used Styrofoam scraps for the feet.